Look at me, blogging!
It’s been a whiiiiile. Here’s a quick recap of everything that’s happened in 2021 so far:
In late January I got some official branding photos taken (see above), thanks to the amazing Coral Dove Photography. Continue to the end of the blog to see some of my faves!
At the end of February I got a dog!!!!! His name is Maurice, and he is the fluffiest boy (see below). Puppies are a lot of work! But he’s about to graduate from basic obedience and I think he’s starting to get the hang of (most) things. Maybe.
In April, I treated myself (& Taylor + Maurice) to a lovely picnic by Charm City Picnic. You can see a sneak peek of the delicious spread + gorgeous decor below.
Lastly, in May I launched my initial campaign for my upcoming book! Although it wasn’t 100% successful, I did get halfway to my goal, and in a few more weeks, will be coming back for round 2. Can’t wait to share more on this soon!
But of course, that’s not all.
The most recent exciting news is I’ve graduated from Johns Hopkins!
As of earlier today, I officially have a Masters of Science in Education. Andddd for the first time since preschool, I’m no longer enrolled in school!? What a strange time.
Guess I’ll have to apply for PhDs soon…
Here’s a before/after of me starting my MS degree, and graduating, all in the same room!
I’m also approaching the end of my first full year teaching in Baltimore City. Just three more weeks until the last day, and the start of summer break!
It’s hard to believe I started my journey with Urban Teachers almost two whole years ago. It seems like time has flown by (but also, somehow, not?).
Anyway, now that summer’s (basically) here, hopefully I’ll resume my monthly blogging schedule.
And I’ll have looooots of travel ones up (my fave)! I’ve got a fun Boston trip lined up for early June, a birthday vacation planned for July, and another California trip in August :)