welcoming ariadne
She’s here! Our daughter Ariadne Elizabeth was born on December 26, 2023 at 10:54 am. She was a big girl, weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz and measuring 21 inches in length.
It was a very smooth labor and delivery, and the Mercy Hospital staff were great! Special shoutout to the view from our maternity suite. We stayed in the hospital for two nights, and naturally I had to capture the experience on film.
We were discharged on December 28, and I was able to get some home portraits that day! These are some of my favourites.
Thanks to Taylor’s mom for the little peanut onesie! And thanks to me + Bellows Film Lab for the accidental light leak in the first photo 😘
Last but not least, here are some final “first days at home” photos. I’ve been told this newborn stage goes by fast, so glad to get to document it as much as possible. Can’t believe Ariadne will be two weeks soon!
Thanks to my parents for the pet onesie (not a very accurate portrayal of the pets, but close enough!). As you can see, Maurice is doing a great job as caretaker.
And of course, more photos of tiny fingers & toes!
It’s been a lot of work, but also nice having a few weeks of just us three (and the pets).
Taylor’s mom is here now, and he is off work until January 15. Then my parents arrive soon after, so we’ll have company for a while! Hopefully things are smooth sailing by the time it’s just me at home around her one month mark. I’m also looking forward to some more bonding time in April when Taylor will have a whole month off, and Ariadne will be more interactive. Stay tuned!