the happiest holiday(s)
I love how Christmas and the New Year are only one week apart.
Taylor and I spent last week in New Mexico visiting my parents in Taos. We got to fly straight to town as opposed to flying to Albuquerque and driving down thanks to Taos Air, an exciting new set up by the ski valley with Embark Aviation.
We flew on a 30-passenger jet, got free drinks and unlimited snacks, and appreciated the gorgeous views:
Once in Taos, Taylor and I enjoyed a few days of rest. His parents arrived a few days later, and all six of us enjoyed a Christmas meal together.
My parents cooked, Taylor and I brought flowers, and we drank wine that Taylor’s parents had bought for us last year.
After eating, we of course exchanged presents under the tree! 🎄
(Peep the New Mexican themed ornament in the last image)
My parents had beautifully displayed the Christmas cards Taylor and I sent out this year.
Please enjoy below!
In addition to celebrating the holidays, I did several things in Taos, including:
bowling at Gutters, where Taylor scored a 171!
skiing at Taos Ski Valley (I had enough after day 1, but Taylor and his dad skied for 2)
shopping at Taos Plaza, where I got a cute dress and ate some very ~fancy- chocolates
enjoying the mountainous views!
I’m back in DC now, where Taylor and I are going to ring in 2019 by having dinner at Boqueria, eating 12 grapes each, and then counting down the time with our cats.
I’m positive 2019 is going to be a great year. A lot is going to happen, from graduating in May, to (hopefully) getting in to grad school, to /probably/ moving.
I’ll end this post with a list of my NYE’s resolutions, which are:
taking a photo a day using my Nikon, in order to increase my work next year and get inspired (so please reach out if you’re interested in shooting! i’m hoping to grow my equipment for the first time in years with an 85 mm 1.8)
maintaining a consistent yoga schedule of some sort
Hope you had a fab holiday! See you in twenty-nineteen :)